I am a software developer and former university teacher with a rich and diverse academic understanding of many computer science concepts such as object oriented design, algorithms, data structures, network programming, and multithreaded programming. I have experience in Java, JavaScript, C++, and Assembler and basic systems administration experience in Linux and Windows.

I enrolled in Cherkasy National University in Cherkasy, Ukraine as a computer science student in 1998. As a student at the university, I specialized in C++, Assembler, and Java programming languages, writing several applications and tutoring other students. After graduating with a B.S. and M.S. in Computer Science from Cherkasy National University in 2004, I developed software for the university, maintained the websites, administrated the Windows and Linux servers, and taught several university courses and mathematics, statistics, probability and computer science.

After moving to the United States in 2013, I began studying English. With a working proficiency in English.

Worked at the university as an instructor, teaching courses in probability, statistics, data structures, object oriented programming, introduction to computer science, computer logic, parallel programming and multi-processor systems. Responsible for the following tasks for each course that I taught:

. Lead and managed the classroom and laboratories

. Graded student assignments and exams

. Prepared and delivered lessons, coursework, and lectures

. Mentored students as they completed complex projects


Download: RomanBodrykhResume.pdf